Saturday, June 6, 2015

How to Get Rid Of Facial Hair Naturally At Home Easily...

All women have some hair growth on their face and When this hair growth increases, it affects their appearance and confidence. This excessive hair growth is due to some hormonal imbalances, hereditary Factors or due to reaction of any medicine. This Unwanted hair causes embarrassment for many of us. Hair on the face makes women look unfeminine, unattractive .They start to lose confidence and become stressed out. Almost all parts of the body have hair but when the growth of hair on the face becomes thick and coarse at that time the problem seems to happen .
Clean and clear skin is a dream of everyone and to achieve this , women go for bleaching, waxing, threading or shaving often to get rid of the unwanted hair or Facial hair which is really expensive for a certain group of people. But there are some effective homemade chemical free natural herbal remedies through which you can easily remove unwanted hair from your face in an easy and cheap way without spending a lot of money from your pocket..
Hair On face makes women look Unattractive, Dark, unclean and bad-looking. Growing of Facial hair is a natural process but trying to remove them in artificial ways cures it for a short span of time but if you want to remove them permanently here are few simple and effective natural home remedies which are tried and tested which anyone can follow.

Gram Flour and Turmeric Powder ::

This Face mask is highly effective and works great on all skin types (sensitive skin too) to Get rid of Facial hair naturally at Home :
1. Make a Paste of Gram Flour(Chickpea or Besan),Turmeric Powder (Kasturi Manjal or haldi) and Full fat Milk or Yogurt(Curd).
2. Apply the paste on the surface of Unwanted hair and allow it to dry on its own (mostly takes about 15minutes )
3. After the paste has been dried up Rub the paste gently off against the direction of hair growth. Then apply any moisturizer.
Application of the above mask atleast twice a week for 2 months on Facial Hair can show visible results and you will see the difference.

How to Get rid of Facial hair with Homemade mask naturally Ayurvedic Permanently

Gramflour and Fenugreek Powder

This method is widely used in India and Works great for all skin types to Get Rid Of Facial hair:
1. Make a paste of Gram Flour (Chickpea Flour or Besan),Fenugreek (Methi) Powder and Few Drops of Rose water.
2. Apply the paste on the surface of excess unwanted hair and allow it to dry on its own (mostly takes about 20minutes )
3. After the paste has been dried up Rub the paste gently off in the opposite direction of hair growth. Then apply any moisturizer.
Frequent use of the above mask for 2 months can show visible results and Growth of Facial hair will soon disappear.

How to Get rid of Upper Lip Facial hair Naturally at Home

Spear-Mint Tea::

Unwanted hair Or Facial Hair on any part of the body appears with excess production of Androgens. Drinking daily a cup of spearmint tea made from 7-8 leaves of Spearmint will reduce the growth of unwanted hair or Facial Hair slowly within a month.
Natural and herbal home remedies for getting rid of unwanted hair Or Facial Hair do not work in an overnight but if they are repeated at regular intervals you can definitely see the difference . Even after a long use of these tried and tested home remedies doesnot work for someone it is always better to consult a doctor to find out the underlying medical problem causing unwanted growth of hair on the face.

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